Facing The Truth
Greetings friends, Grace, peace, and love to you in the name of The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. My friends running from the truth is counterproductive in your life. When you believe that you have the master plan that will make you successful in life and you are not living according to the truth you are deceiving yourself. If you believe you know the right direction and it is not based on the truth, but based on what you have learned from the world, you have been hoodwinked. If everything in your life doesn’t seem to be working out the way you plan it to and you sense that something is missing it is because you are denying the truth.
You are living your life depending on yourself and not the source of life himself. God is the source of all good things including life. God has made the truth available to you. Jesus said ” I am the way, and the truth, and the life and no one can come to the Father except by me (John 14:6). God has given you the direction on how to receive the truth in the scripture God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believe in Him shall have eternal life ( John 3:16). Know one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws Him, and I will raise him up on the last day (John 6:44).
My friends let us put aside any if, and or butts. The truth is that God loves you, and He wants you to be successful in life. God loves your family and wants them to be successful in life. God loves you and your family and wants you and your family to be in his family for all eternity. Your success in life is totally dependent on your relationship with Him. This is the truth and is not complicated. Apart from God, your life will not be successful. For without God life is not worth living. Without God life is going to come to an end, Butt God and the gift that He has offered you because of His great love, eternal life this is the ultimate success. The joy of this truth is expressed in this verse of a beautiful song ” When we have been there for ten thousand years we will be no closer to the end then we were when we first began ( Amazing Grace). Face the truth, the truth is found in Jesus Christ, Don’t be afraid He won’t turn you away. The choice is yours, you must decide. God Bless You.
Grace, Peace, and Love
Rev. Reginald Stevens
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