Greetings People of God, Grace, and peace to you in the name of God our Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit. The Day of the Lord shall soon be upon us, Glory is to God. Don’t be alarmed, the new world order began to eclipse the old when God raised Jesus from the dead, Amen! Glory be to God. The old world is trying to stop the new world from coming in. It is doing everything it can to stop the new world from coming in. Stop and look at what is going on around you. The world is in a state of total depravity. The More the promised new world advance, the more havoc is made by the enemy. There is no limit to what he will not do to win your soul to Hell. Let us pray.
Galatians 6:7-18
God’s people it’s time to stop playing. It’s time to realize that something is happening that is going to be catastrophic. It is bigger than anything we can imagine. The same God that made our physical world also made the spiritual world, Amen. The scripture says that in the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth (Gen1:1). We take time to research the laws of nature and we become scientists. Then we turn around and call these laws of nature as if nature were its own creation. This is why Paul said in Romans 1:25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creation rather than the one who created it, Is is to be well spoken of forever. We become defiant of God and take the truth about God creating nature and credit it to nature.
The reason for this denial of God is that the consequences of disobedience of physical laws can often be felt immediately by all. If I jump off the top of a 20 story building, I cannot escape the law of gravity. I will go down not up, and get killed therefore, I succumb to the law; and I worship it instead of God who made it. Look at how smart men are, look at how men analyze and categorize these physical laws, and then proceed to accomplish great sets. Men use God’s physical laws but deny that God even exists.
The Christian knows that the same God who made the physical laws also made the spiritual laws. Christians recognize these laws through the regenerated spirit within them. No one knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person within him. Because we have received the spirit of Him who is from God, this enables us to understand that which is freely given to us by God (1 For. 2:11-16).
The unbeliever fails to respect God’s spiritual laws because the consequences are not immediately physically visible when obeyed or disobeyed. To be disobedient to God is to sin, the consequences for sin is sometimes delayed in their application, for example, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God it seems like little happened to them. They became desensitized that they did not mind being spirally dead. This was immediate. It was not until the day came about 975 years later that death which is the consequence of their disobedience to God had to be paid. Physical death affects everyone, but for the believer, Christ has taken away the sting of death.
Do not be deceived, Do not be wonders, not knowing where you are going and what you are doing. Recognize God behind the laws of nature and the laws of the spirit. God is not mocked, do not turn up your nose at God while you are worshipping the creature, while you are bound to God’s laws.
Recognize that the law of cause and effect is by design. The most stupid thing ever imagined by man is that this universe of our running with such mathematical precision is all an accident, that it just happened. Why, Why, Why did not my watch just happen or my TV, or this book just happen. These things had to be designed and manufactured. So if you believe that the universe came about by chance, then why don’t you apply the same chance to the watch or any other minor thing?
Hold on my friend, you need to go and examine your garden. Whatever a man sows the same shall he reap. This is an illustration of the universal law god instituted. It is the law of cause and effect. If you want apples you must plant an apple tree. You are a slave to the law.
God is not bound to the law, Paul does not tell us whatever God sows the same shall He reap. The law is not binding on God. God’s law and any bypassing thereof must have credibility. God’s law states that the wages of sins are death. When Jesus died on the cross death could not hold him in the grave because He had not committed any sin ever. Amen
The greatest Miracle is when a person places his faith in Jesus Christ. In exchange, he receives God’s nature within him. He is born again and becomes a new creature (2 Cor . 5:17). He that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Hey! friends, Man does the sowing and man does the reaping. Just like there is a miraculous power of germination in the physical world, there is also spiritual germination which is much greater Amen.
Friends do you know Jesus, He is full of grace and truth, Jesus did that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten s Son that who ever believe in him shall not perish but shall have ever lasting life (Believe my friends and live). God Bless You
Rev. Reginald Stevens
Worship with us Sunday @ 10:10 AM
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