Spare No Cost To Win The Lost



Spare No Cost To Win The Lost

There are many virtuous pursuits in life, however there is one which towers over all the rest that causes all others to stand in its Shadow. This pursuit is the very reason for the Church’s existence. It is not an invitation, it is a imperative. This command does not come from man but from Christ Himself. It is this pursuit that Christ builds His Church.  “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel” We have the testimony of a man who answered this call. We can or may use his response as a model for our own.

The Man

For there to be evangelism, there must be a evangelist. What kind of person can God use?

The person who is willing to go, Paul said”

When I came the early church took the great commission seriously. They began at Jerusalem and they went. They went on the street corners and in the marketplaces, whenever and wherever the message needed to be heard, they “announced it” publicly and house to house. They gave declaring the gospel precedence,  taking high priority in their lives.

It seems today that the great commission has lost some of its urgency. We seem to have become content to come to church and gather and fellowship with one another and talk about winning the world and then somehow think that God will get it done. You are right about that however concerning the Gospel it is a gift from God to man. God gave man the Gospel as a gift and it is by a man that the gospel will be given to other men.

 The person who is willing to go is the one who is willing to be used in spite of his or her fears and shortcomings.

Paul acknowledges that when he was with them, he was in weakness and fear. He understood the natural fear we have of confronting someone with a message that we are not sure that he wants to hear. God understands your fears and your weaknesses. You have to be willing to risk coming out of the box. God will give you the courage, God will give you

the strength. Are you willing to trust in God?


You may say to yourself I just don’t have the eloquence and wisdom, I have limitations. This is a perfect illustration that the real ability that God blesses is “usability” Amen.

The Means

Evangelism is to be done with integrity not with manipulation, not with persuasive words,

Today many people who hear the word evangelism get turned off because of the bad name some of the extremists have given it with their racist codex. Which has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelism in its truest sense is one that spreads the good news of the gospel. Not one who spread the false news of Christian racial supremacy.

This is the good news about Christ paying the cost of the demanded penalty for our salvation. It is not the promotion of some product or membership in an exclusive Club, The gospel is about the salvation of your very life for eternity first to the Jew and then to the gentile, Amen

 In our evangelizing we are not to be dishonest, we are not to be crafty,  We are not to be deceitful, We must manifest the truth entrusting ourselves to every man’s conscience.   

Evangelism is to be done with our primary dependency on God rather than ourselves. It is to be done in demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. It is God who gives the increase.” There is Power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew and to the Gentiles. When you speak the good news, there is power proceeding from your mouth. It is powerful enough that it pierces the Conscience of a man’s heart. Whether he accepts it or not. Amen

The message is -“Jesus Christ and Him Crucified” There was once a time when the church had a great conviction. The conviction that Jesus Christ is the only savior of mankind and apart from Him people are lost and doomed to destruction.

The message was so important to Paul that he said “woe is me if I don’t preach the gospel. It was so important to this missionary Henry Martyn, that when he landed on the shores of India he said “ Here let me burn myself out for God”.

In our society, we seldom find salvation worth talking about anymore.

The church is involved in too many other things that come at the expense. of the proclamation of the gospel. This age is not the age of rejection of the gospel, which people still do, but our problem is that this is the age of the unproclaimed gospel.


                      How many of us here today have spoken to a lost person about Christ in the last week, month, year, in the entire time we have been a Christian?  If not us then who? If not now then when?

                Brothers and sisters look in the scriptures and you will not find a single verse that commands a lost person to go to church. But you will find numerous scriptures that call the church to go to a lost world. Amen

Jesus said “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.5:24

Jesus answered This is the work of God: that you believe ( adhere to, trust in, rely on, and have faith) in One whom He has sent, Jesus Christ. (John 6:29).













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